Maid Service in Chino

Ever need that extra helping hand?


maid services

Maid Services in Chino


More often that not, we just don’t have the time to give that extra cleaning to our homes during our busy everyday schedules.  So that’s why we have organized the absolute best maid service in Chino for all types of cleaning service needs.


Our maid service here at Chino Hills Cleaning Service is comprised of fully supervised crews. Some of our maid services even include a 2, 3 or even 4 experienced and professional maids to handle the job in a small amount of time for events or situations that are time sensitive.


So whether you are a small business, personal home owner, or just need a quick maid service for your Chino or Chino Hills residence, you can be rest assured that Jamie’s will be there for you.


With supervised crews, and the ability to get your own personal maid to your door in no time, now there is no reason to get those extras done around the house.

Take a moment now, and get a free quote on your maid needs and services.